Bill Signed: Some flexiability for Date of Proposed Budget Hearing

Section 1 of the bill (S1209/A4979) amends the Town Law to change the date of the public hearing.
The public hearing will be able to be held on any reasonable day during the third week of October instead of only on Tuesday.

The previous law required each fire district to hold a public hearing to discuss the contents of their proposed budget on the third "Tuesday" in October. The hearing date was designed to be scheduled and conducted in a manner to maximize participation. The strict date requirement to hold such hearing had become problematic, as fire districts seek the public's participation. A specific example is that this year the first portion of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot begins Sunday night on October 13th and concludes on Tuesday night at 7:45 pm.  In order to accommodate and provide some flexibility to the fire districts, this bill changes the single date requirement and instead requires the hearing to be held during the third week of October.