Conference Speaker Application
The Association of Fire Districts of the State of New York (AFDSNY) Annual Meeting and Workshop Committee is always looking for education and conference speakers. The Committee is accepting proposals for future conferences through the Association’s Online Speaker Application form detailed below. The Association is looking for presentation ideas and proposals that are directly related to topics of interest for New York State Fire District officials and staff. The Conference Committee encourages both members and non-member to suggest conference topics or suggest a great speaker or presentation that you have attended. Please note that your submission does not guarantee a speaking opportunity and that it will take a few weeks at a minimum to properly process your submission and to provide a response, so please be patient.
NO ADVERTISING: AFDSNY attendees do not expect to be faced with commercials for a particular product, service, or other business solutions. Therefore, presentations may not be used as a sales pitch for any service, product, or solution offerings in association with company offerings. Presentations may not include business/corporate logos on slides. Exhibit space is available for these purposes.
The Association of Fire Districts of the State of New York, Inc. (AFDSNY) Conference and Workshop Committee will evaluate conference proposals for breakout session speakers based on the following criteria:
1. Relevance of proposed topic to the AFDSNY and the workshop themes
2. Quality and depth of the subject matter
3. Presenter’s experience with the proposed subject matter
4. Degree of potential audience engagement and interest
5. Practical applicability of the topic
6. Adherence to all application requirements. Incomplete applications may be rejected.
Click to submit On-Line Conference Speaker Application